Stillness at Cherith
small blessings in every day life
Wednesday, March 5, 2025
Emily and Willow and Playing Catch Up
Good morning. Emily sends her greetings from the table. I was informed that this is an ok place for her to rest her weary paws.
I hope everyone is doing OK. I got Covid in January and am recovering. The last several weeks I spent my time doing only the essentials
and everything else went by the wayside.
Willow says hello, too! She is a spunky, but sweet, little fluff. I think they might be shedding. Tiny tumbleweeds of cat fur drift along our floors :)
In my area, we had record snow fall. Our snow banks are often taller than me. Though in the last few days, we have have rain in the forcast. Spring is always messy.
I will close with aa cute image from Pinterest. Cudddle with your cats and read!
Hopefully, I can play catch up with visiting your blogs soon!
Take care!
Sunday, February 2, 2025
Feb Update
Hello all,
Willow here for a quick visit. Our Mom came down with Covid in early January but is on the mend. Sheis still tired, though. I'm here to let you know that Emily are doing fine! We sitll get our kitty kibbles, brushes, and cuddles.
Mom will try to visit everyone sometime but not sure when.
Emily and Willow
Sunday, January 5, 2025
A New Year
Happy New Year! I hope that your New Year is filled with blessings and peace. I worked between Christmas and New Years for a couple of days. Then I was off again after New Years. It feels like a lovely break.
Emily is enjoying my Christmas sofa throw in this photo. You know a product is a winner if it is feline approved :)
If you celebrate Christmas, I hope that you enjoyed it. I had a mixed holiday. There were moments of intense social activity and work but there were moments of quiet as well. I went to a Christmas Eve service. It was a tranquil interlude.
Willow is enjoying a snooze in this photo. Both girls enjoyed "Christmas" straws! I also managed to find some unused catnip toys. I love that they are not fussy about having expensive presents to celebrate the holidays. I can't speak for everyone, but I'm finding that everything is more expensive these days. The only thing that isn't increasing is the income!
A coworker surprised me with this mug! On the inside of the rim its says "more cats, more naps!" It will hold my tea and make me smile. Win-win!
This is the Christmas tree at my sister's house. She has 5 cats and 1 dog! I'm surprised it is still standing.
This little cutie is their miniature beagle, Hazel. I helped Hazel to "love" me by giving her a teeny piece of bacon (this was OKed by my sister)
I'll end today's post with this photo of Willow sitting next to a small drawing of Emily and Winston. I miss Winston. I miss him so much.
Give your felines/woofies an extra cuddle.
I hope to visit you within the next little while once I get back into the swing of things at work!
I like this simple quote for the New Year:
"May joy and peace surround you,
Contentment latch your door,
And happiness be with you now,
And bless you evermore."
Sunday, December 22, 2024
Christmas time is here
Emily is enjoying the Christmas lights. She is a good girl! Not like another feline (ahem, Willow) who has already knocked over my sad little Christmas tree.
Many of the homes near my apartment building have decorated for Christmas. A little sparkle is a welcome sight when it is dark and drab. So far, we haven't had a lot of snow. Any snow we did get has melted quickly.
I will have Christmas week off. Then I'm back to work for a couple of days and have an extra, extra long weekend. It has been so busy at my end that I haven't had time to do my usual "fun" stuff to celebrate the holidays. I know it is pricey but I would very much like to order another of these fancy pants hot chocolates :)
We did have a bit of freezing drizzle earlier this month. I would rather walk in a snow storm than freezing rain. The freezing rain can look pretty, though!
I spent the afternoon cleaning and wrapping some presents. I will be meeting with family and a friend on my time off. I'm also hoping to take my camera out to the park for some photos. Quiet walks in the park are soul soothing.
I will close for now. If you celebrate Christmas, I hope that you have a beautiful season. This last photo is of Willow. Surely this innocent looking feline can't be responsible for a Christmas tree upset ;)
Take care all and Happy Christmas!
Tuesday, November 26, 2024
Gray November Days
Hello. We can't believe we are almost at the end of November and that the holiday season is just around the corner.
Emily is enjoying the heated cat bed in this photo. Sadly, that cat bed is no longer here. It was falling apart.
Miss Emily sure did enjoy cozying up in it, though.
In our area, there has been no snow. November has been a dreary, windy, and rainy month. There are still a few trees that are holding on to their leaves. It seems that there are the only smidge of color to be found.
A few weeks ago I went with a friend to visit another friend. She lives out in the country and is rasing chickens. I didn't realize chickens could be so "cuddly"!
Not that I tried :)
Willo and Emily have been cuddly, though. A few weeks after I got over my October virus I caught another bug. Ugh. I have heard people blame this on the mild, rainy November days. I will be thankful when I stop coughing and get my energy badck.
Hopefully, everyone else and their felines are doing well!
Thursday, October 31, 2024
A Virus, a Vacation, and a Blaze
Hello! It has been longer than we thought since our last post. Since the last time we touched base a lot has happened.
I had a vacation! Yeah! But before the vacation, I got sick with a virus. For the first few days of my time off, I slept.
There were no walks in the park or extra visits.
Thankfully, extra rest helped and I was able to enjoy the beautiful fall colors in the park.
The photo above is Willow supervising my work in the kitchen :)
My favorite time for a walk in the park is when the sun is beginning to peek over the horizon. Everything is awash in a beautiful gold glow.
The birds are singing and the air is crisp, fresh.
The world feels brand new! Hopeful.
About half way into my vacation, I felt more up to visits, shopping etc. My Mom and sister came for a visit to celebrate Thanksgiving. It was very low key but, I think, more enjoyable because of the low stress.
Last week, there was a fire in my building on my floor. My neighbours were able to put out the blaze but there was damage from the sprinkler system and smoke. One thing soon became apparent to me was that Emily hides when loud noises happen. I was able to quickly put Willow into a carrier but not my Emily. Has anyone any experience, or gentle advice, on how to deal with this? How can you coax a terrified feline into a carrier when alarms are blaring etc.
In other cat news, Emily had her annual vet visit today. I'm happy to relate that she gained a little weight, her blood sugar was good and she even allowed the vet to trim her claws! Emily is the sweetest little fluff you ever want to meet but she hates her claws being touched. She was a very good girl and when she got home I gave her a rare favorite treat!
Take care and I hope to visit you all soon.
Sunday, September 29, 2024
Autumn and Allergies
Hello, We hope everyone is doing OK. My allergies are working overtime this year. It feels like a bad cold. Willow and Emily are OK.
This is Willow. Cooler weather mean more cuddles.
The leaves in this area are at about 20%. I just realized that, if all goes well, I will be on vacation starting late next week. Please let everything go OK! (silent plea!)
I did get out this morning for a walk in the park. I think it did my heart good.
Emily and Willow both have their annual "once over" on my time off. I take them in on separate days as I can only carry one of them at a time.
Take care and I hope to visit your blogs and get caught up in the next while :)
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